Friday, May 22, 2015

The Head is a Pitcher, The Nose Its Spout

 I was weeping in my closet.
(Do you weep inside yours?)
I cracked the spine and wrote
(It was a dark and stormy face)
A list of the things I knew for certain
(choosing buoyancy over drowning)
 Skills were noted, faiths testified
(And I wrote I look good in black)
I closed the book with determined snap
(then I put away pairs of shoes)
 I filled three pages with things I knew
(I could've eaten my feelings instead)
 Emptied my heart, cleared my head
(cramped hand and a pain in the neck).


  1. Its a good thing to write down your feelings rather than keep them bottled up!

    I filled three pages with things I knew
    (I could've eaten my feelings instead)
    Emptied my heart, cleared my head

    Your poem spoke volumes to me!
    Beautifully executed :D

  2. I'm a big fan of parenthetical use in poetry. You've served it well, here.

  3. Choosing buoyoncy over drowning... Oh there's a reason for those lists.

  4. Sometimes lists serve only to remind one of what is missing.. I love your approach to this prompt, your parenthetical asides and the wonderfully cynical conclusion.

  5. Awesome. Some of the parentheticals cracked me up...the dark and stormy face! So glad you took part in my challenge!

  6. I love the 'voice' in's a little cynical and sassy. Sometimes writing out those feelings instead of eating them really does get us nowhere but a cramped hand and a pain in the neck, but we do it anyways and good for us :-)

  7. I am getting the impression your poems always choose buoyancy.

  8. Great, great! Love it. I kind of hate that phrase "eating my feelings" and you've expressed it perfectly here. Perfect!
    I need to clean out my closet today, come to think of it. I'll think of you and this :)
